Starstable Database
Decoration Inventory

Decoration Inventory


The table below comprises all decoration items (head and tail decorations, leg wraps) that may be purchased in the shops. Additionally, it also includes items you may receive as reward for completed quests.
Enjoy yourself browsing and selecting your decoration. See you online, Abbie Starwatcher.

Filtering & Sorting

Use the drop-down lists to filter the display items according to your selection. In addition you may klick on a column header to have the column sorted (use ctrl to select more than one). The field on the right above the table allows to search the column texts.

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Type :
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Matchings count
of ?
deco items
PictureTypeTitleDescriptionColours JSSCLvlRepSite/Shop
No responsibility is taken for correctness, completeness, and currentness of data!
Database © by Abbie Starwatcher / pictures from the game Starstable™ Online (SSO)
PLEASE NOTE: this is a private website, I have no business relationship with SSO!