Starstable Database

The hairstyles from the new salon at Silverglade Manor are missing yet,
it may take some time before an update is available.

Inventory of hairstyles


The table below comprises all available hairstyles (short-medium-long, ponytail, pigtail, dreadlocks) that may be selected in the salons. You can search for hairstyle type and hair colour in a very practical way.
Enjoy yourself browsing and selecting your hairstyle. Abbie Starwatcher.

Filtering & Sorting

Using the dropdown selectors below you may filter the table so as to display only relevant items. In addition you may klick on a column header to have the column sorted (use ctrl to select more than one). The text input field right above the table (on the right) allows to search for any text in the table.

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Shop :
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No responsibility is taken for correctness, completeness, and currentness of data!
Database © by Abbie Starwatcher / pictures from the game Starstable™ Online (SSO)
PLEASE NOTE: this is a private website, I have no business relationship with SSO!