Starstable Database

Table of horses


This table presents all available horses (breeds) that you may buy in the game, besides your horse you started with. Unfortunately, SSO is frequently changing the points of sale for the horses. Therefore I can't guarantee that the indicated sites will always be up-to-date.
Enjoy yourself browsing and selecting your horses. Abbie Starwatcher.

Filtering & Sorting

Use the dropdown selectors below to filter the table in relation to point of sale and/or horse breed, in order to display only corresponding items. The colour checkboxes may be used to look for horses with the corresponding coat colour. In addition you may click on a column header to have the column sorted (use CTRL to select multiple columns).

Selection of table data

Filter by site/breed
Site :
Breed :
Coat color
Coat pattern


# matchings
of ?
PictureBreedSubTypePOSColourSCLvl SpeedStrngthAgilDiscEndu Site
No responsibility is taken for correctness, completeness, and currentness of data!
Database © by Abbie Starwatcher / pictures from the game Starstable™ Online (SSO)
PLEASE NOTE: this is a private website, I have no business relationship with SSO!